Toka Ebisu MatsuriOsaka is historically known as a merchant city, for it served as the center of the rice trade back in the Edo Period. This was known as the Doujima Rice Exchange, and ran from 1697 until it desolved entirely in 1939 - Meaning it finished just 78 years ago after 242 years running, and basically created the foundation fo...10Jan2017toka ebisu matsuriebisufestivalmatsurisight seeingtourismholiday in japantravel japanEnglishEdo Periodhistoryliving in japanexpatjapan lifejapanphotographyphoto
Did you know?: Tattoos in JapanOne of the most infamous subjects in Japanese history - Tattoos.I’ve mentioned a few times before that I have a few myself, and surprisingly I have yet to experience any negative comments about them. Most of the time I receive compliments that they’re beautiful and unique. I guess the one time I did get a negative comm...21Dec2016Edo PeriodOkinawatattoo historyhistorydid you know?tattoos in japanjapan